February meeting is scheduled for Thursday 6th Feb at 7:15 pm at The Friends Meeting House, Room F15. Newcomers welcome
We are awaiting confirmation from the meeting house on the exact time and room number, and will confirm next week before the meeting. For newcomers the meetings are held once a month on the first Thursday of the month at The Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS, behind the Central Library in St Peter’s Square . What 3 Words location ///news.rail.hatch.
On arrival at the meeting house, walk up the steps and enter the building through the central blue door. Once inside you will find a reception desk with a large TV screen displaying the room number that we will be using. Disabled access to the building round the side road on the right. Note that some of the meeting rooms are upstairs, a lift is available for those who need it.
Because we now have to pay for room hire we will have to limit meetings to 1 a month, at the moment, and looking to hold 2 trial meetings over the next few months, to test the strength of interest, after the first 2 meetings we may possibly try other venues,
To keep costs down we will not be providing tea and biscuits, if you want to bring your own drink that’s ok but you should take the empty can or bottle with you when you leave.
If you are a past service user of Icebreakers and still in contact with others please could you let them know we’re starting up again and to keep an eye on the website for updates
Members of the Gay Married Men’s group, which isn’t meeting at the moment, are also welcome to come to Icebreakers
For further information please email info@icebreakersmanchester.org.uk.
Award winning support group Icebreakers was established 38 years ago in 1986 and is a transitory self-help group where gay and bi men build their own support networks, gain confidence, and moving on to be replaced by the next batch of service users. Since anonymised demographic computer records began in 2006 has helped 1736 service users from 81 countries who have between them attended 12,419 Icebreaker meetings at the LGBT Foundation in Manchester.
Please check this website regularly for updates.