Our funders


Icebreakers has in the past, received some funding from the charitable organisations below. However, this is not regular or ongoing funding. The volunteers are not paid, but the group does have a number of running costs and expenses. We are therefore reliant upon donations in order to continue to operate.


allen lane foundation logoThe Allen Lane Foundation is a grant-making trust set up in 1966 by the late Sir Allen Lane, founder of Penguin Books, to support general charitable causes.

logo-manchester-prideManchester Pride is the UK’s leading Pride event, stages a number of events throughout the year and operates funds and grant schemes to help support a wide range of people.

logo-comicreliefComic Relief supports organisations with the people, ideas and ability to tackle complex problems and create positive social change across the UK and around the world.

crest-duchy-of-lancasterThe Duchy of Lancaster Benevolent Fund is a charity set up to benefit causes primarily within the Counties of Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Merseyside.

Forever MancForever Manchester is a community foundation dedicated to strengthening local communities, creating opportunities and tackling issues of disadvantage and exclusion. It administers funds that are available to groups and individuals across Greater Manchester.



We Love MCR Charity is the Charity of the Lord Mayor of Manchester. It’s aims are to improve the lives and life chances of Manchester People.


If you’re interested in helping to fund or support the group, please contact us at info@icebreakersmanchester.org.uk.

If you would like a donation please go to our Donations page.